Founded as a volunteer-based organisation and incorporated society in 2017, Kai Rotorua’s journey began at Te Puea Orchards (Tikitere), where we successfully grew traditional Māori crops such as kumara, riwai, and hue. We also continued growing fruit and a variety of vegetables using spray-free methods for which Te Puea Orchards were well-known. In 2022 we became a charitable trust.
We have worked with numerous kura (schools) and local communities to start their own vegetable gardens and kumara growing around the Rotorua and Whakatane District and continue to support new growers.
Our Journey to Kaharoa
In September 2023, we teamed up with Growing Wellness in Kaharoa, marking a new chapter in our journey. Our vision, purpose, and values aligned perfectly, resulting in a strong relationship built on mutual trust, love, and respect for the whenua (land) and everyone who volunteers with us. In July 2024, Kai Rotorua signed a lease for the property in Kaharoa to continue our mahi (work) including the organic vegetable production and workshops started by Growing Wellness.
At the beginning of 2024, we hosted numerous workshops and events, inviting the community to participate. On June 28, we proudly hosted our inaugural Matariki event, which attracted around 130 people, showcasing the strong community support for our initiatives.
Our network now has spread to include whanau and families from Matangi (Tom-Tit Farm) Kirikiriroa (Hamilton), Whakatane District, Tauranga/Welcome Bay, Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland) and the far North.

Our trustees and ‘whānau team members’. Photo taken at Matata Conservation Estate.
L – R: Warren Rehu: Kai Rotorua Chairman
Evas and Cath: ‘Whānau team members’
Astrid Bunne Namdari: Secretary / Trustee
Te Rangikaheke Kiripatea: Projects Manager
Wayne: ‘Whānau team member’
Irma Prentice: Trustee
Yumiko Kawano: Treasurer / Trustee
Yukon: ‘Whānau team member’
Amir Namdari: Trustee | whanau, Ata and Elias